Salutations Workshoppers!
Episode 101 of The Write Idea Workshop just launched yesterday, and I can see that a lot of you are giving it a download and checking us out, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for doing so. The podcast has been a big part of my life for the past four years, and without it I wouldn't have met and made friends with some of the coolest folks I know nowadays, or, in all likelihood, I probably wouldn't have gotten back into stand-up comedy.
That all being said, Episode 101 is a pretty important episode to me, because I got to reunite with Wex (who has been on the show before) and Greg (who had never been on the show before). These guys are important because they got me into the podcasting game to begin with. They started a podcast called Queue Dodge This, which was about the MOBA game League of Legends. You may have heard of it. Anyway, they gave me the bug to start podcasting, and without them, I wouldn't be doing this show now.
So if you want to hear about my origins of podcasting, give that episode a listen. But more importantly, if you do like any of the episodes you're listening to on iTunes or whatever platform you're hearing us, please leave the podcast a rating and review. I hate asking for these things, but in the four years I've been doing this podcast, I just so happened to take a look at the reviews in iTunes today and noticed we've only ever had two reviews. That is a bit disappointing. Hence. I'm putting this call-out to you dear listener:
It might not seem like a big deal, but the more positive traction we have there, the more times the show will show up when people search for shows, and perhaps we can start getting some ad revenue so I can maybe start offering to have like, paid guest appearances, or go to venues to get bigger name guests or maybe I could get just enough so that I don't have to pay for the show entirely out of pocket like I have been the past four years. That'd be nice. I'm not the most concerned with the money because clearly this show has never been about making money, but I really would appreciate if we could get some reviews and ratings, or heck, even just an e-mail letting us know how you like the show.
If you want to check out iTunes and leave a review, here's our page
If you'd like to send us an e-mail, drop a line at
Thank you all so much for listening to The Write Idea Workshop, and for supporting the guests who have come on the show in their creative endeavors.
Keep on Writing,